Miscarriage or child loss

The pain of losing a child is unimaginable. There is a harshness that comes with the loss of a child. The story of your grief, shock, and survival becomes the storied focus of sessions at our clinic. We want to help you process the feelings and keep a safe space for you to work on your journey toward healing. Our goal is to help you manage the symptoms of your grief throughout this devastating time. This may mean helping you rebuild a sense of purpose and connection with yourself and your spiritual beliefs. We want you to know that you are not alone. The hurt you may feel may have you thinking that it’s not possible to go on living. The mind feels like shutting down and you may find it difficult to maintain a routine of simply eating, sleeping or keeping up with your hygiene. Tears will fall and we want to be here to help you find peace and acceptance.

Loss of a Spouse

Loss of a Parent

The relationship that exists between yourself and your partner is unique. Your grief is unique, too. Every widow or widower will grieve differently. Our team of psychotherapists will help you manage your feelings and give you the tools necessary to facilitate healthy mourning.

Find out how our counselling clinic can help you find peace.

The loss of a very first love, a parent, can be quite devastating. No matter what age you are the death of a parent is shocking. If there are feelings of helplessness and lack of control our goal is to help provide resources to bring perspective and awareness to facilitate growth and stability. Every person who is grieving the loss of a parent will find support through our counselling program.

Loss of a Pet

Your beloved animal has passed and we are deeply sorry for your loss. Most pet owners consider their pets a part of their family. They feel the loss of their pet deeply and that sometimes can take time to process. We want to support you through your journey of the mourning the loss of your pet. Please find out how we can help.