Loss of a partner or spouse

We are all aware that we can be touched by death in some way throughout our lifetime.  No matter if the person in your life was with you for a short time or a long time it can be devastating not having them there. The gaping hole that remains after the loss of a partner can be extremely profound. As you embark on this journey, you are bound to experience difficulties rebuilding a new life without your loved one. This could include taking care of your children (if you have any), managing finances, taking care of your personal health, and meeting deliverables at work. Some people may even struggle with eating and personal hygiene. Our goal is to help you navigate the struggles that come with the loss of a partner and do so by making sure that emphasis is made on personal care. We also work with you on developing an understanding of the grieving cycle and ensuring you are mourning in a way that is healthy for your recovery.


Some of the discussions may include:


·      What is normal and what’s considered a new normal

·      How to manage the onslaught of grief

·      Why did this happen

·      Why do I feel empty

·      How do I manage anniversaries

·      Reasons for grief

·      The importance of goodbye


The loss of our spouse can change our lives. Nothing may ever be the same and whatever was once familiar may start to become unfamiliar. Our counselling program was developed to help you relearn new ways of being and manage with the tides of change. We also explore how to rebuild your foundation, acknowledge the loss, and work on the impact of your grief. Our counselling program also focuses on processing and sitting with the feeling. The space we offer invites you to take a few moments in your busy day to sit and reflect on what is lost. The purpose of our work with clients is to meet the grief with peace and do so in a space that allows you to explore feelings and thoughts. The work we do helps you to reduce the overwhelming feelings and allows them to regain control during a time of need.  

Loss of a Spouse

Loss of a Parent

The relationship that exists between yourself and your partner is unique. Your grief is unique, too. Every widow or widower will grieve differently. Our team of psychotherapists will help you manage your feelings and give you the tools necessary to facilitate healthy mourning.

Find out how our counselling clinic can help you find peace.

The loss of a very first love, a parent, can be quite devastating. No matter what age you are the death of a parent is shocking. If there are feelings of helplessness and lack of control our goal is to help provide resources to bring perspective and awareness to facilitate growth and stability. Every person who is grieving the loss of a parent will find support through our counselling program.

Loss of a Pet

Your beloved animal has passed and we are deeply sorry for your loss. Most pet owners consider their pets a part of their family. They feel the loss of their pet deeply and that sometimes can take time to process. We want to support you through your journey of the mourning the loss of your pet. Please find out how we can help.