Helping you find counselling for the grief you experience.

We are here to provide evidence based support to help you on your grieving journey.

Grief and Loss support

Family Support

The foundation of our support is based around making sure that you have the right resources around you to effectively manage with your grief in a healthy way. We do so by helping you sort through the emotions and process what’s to come and what your life will look like in the future. This may mean helping you navigate sticky issues with your family or even help you work through how to manage what your family looks like now.

 What we do

Understanding Grief Counselling:

Grief counselling is a specialized form of therapy designed to provide compassionate support for individuals navigating the complexities of grief. It creates a safe and empathetic environment where individuals can express their emotions, process their grief, and develop healthy coping strategies.

Types of Grief Counselling:

Individual Counselling: This one-on-one therapy allows individuals to explore their grief in a confidential setting. It enables open expression of emotions, memories, and thoughts associated with the loss, facilitating personalized support and guidance.

Therapy Approaches for Grief Counselling:

  1. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT): CBT assists individuals in identifying and reframing negative thought patterns, developing healthy coping mechanisms, and promoting emotional healing. It addresses unhelpful beliefs and behaviors related to grief, helping individuals navigate their emotions more effectively.

  2. Narrative Therapy: This approach explores the individual's unique story and the meaning they ascribe to their loss. By reframing their narrative, individuals gain new perspectives, rebuild their sense of self, and find meaning and purpose beyond their grief.

  3. Mindfulness-Based Therapy: Mindfulness techniques cultivate present-moment awareness, reduce stress, and promote self-compassion. It encourages individuals to acknowledge their grief without judgment, fostering acceptance, emotional healing, and resilience.

Success in Grief Counselling:

Success in grief counselling is not measured by eradicating the pain of loss, but rather by the individual's ability to navigate the grief journey and find healthy ways to cope. Success may manifest in several ways:

  • Increased self-awareness and emotional insight.

  • Improved ability to express and process grief-related emotions.

  • Enhanced coping skills and resilience.

  • Rebuilding a sense of identity and purpose.

  • Strengthened relationships and improved communication.

  • Finding meaning and a renewed outlook on life.

Discovering Hope:

Grief counselling plays a pivotal role in helping individuals find hope amidst their pain. The therapeutic process allows individuals to acknowledge and express their emotions, develop resilience, and embrace new perspectives. Through the compassionate guidance of grief counsellors, individuals navigate the stages of grief, gradually find acceptance, and rediscover hope for the future.

Grief counselling serves as a guiding light during the darkest times of loss. By providing support, understanding, and effective therapeutic techniques, grief counselling enables individuals to process their grief, develop coping skills, and rebuild their lives with renewed purpose. Whether through individual, group, or family counselling, the transformative power of grief counselling offers a pathway to healing, resilience, and the discovery of hope in the face of unimaginable loss.

Types of Loss:

Loss is an inevitable part of the human experience, and it can manifest in various forms, affecting individuals on emotional, physical, and social levels. People can experience the loss of a loved one, which brings profound grief and a sense of emptiness. Loss can also include the end of a romantic relationship or the dissolution of a friendship, resulting in feelings of sadness, loneliness, and a shift in social dynamics. Furthermore, individuals may face the loss of health or physical abilities, leading to challenges in daily functioning and a redefinition of identity. Additionally, loss can be experienced in the form of job loss, financial instability, or the failure to achieve desired goals or dreams, resulting in feelings of uncertainty, disappointment, and a loss of purpose. It is important to recognize and honor the diverse types of loss that people go through, as each one brings its unique set of emotions and challenges.

Loss of a Parent or Sibling

Loss of a Child

Loss of a Spouse (Husband or Wife) or Partner